In the town of New Haverford, a scientist examined a cell via microscope. What a tiny world all its own, she thought. And yet, these cells can amount to so much. Without them, I wouldn’t be here.
The rest of the scientists looked at her looking at the cell through the microscope. It was 6PM on a Friday. Damn, that lady really loves her work, they thought. They left to get drinks while she continued to work.
The property manager looked at the utilities bill for the science lab. Those scientists really use a lot of electricity, he thought. Also, they have cool lab coats.
The governor looked at the research laboratory, nestled between access to public transit and the new commercial mall. Science is well and good, but we should really move that lab, he thought. We are missing out on a serious economic boon without direct walking access for people on trains to get to places where they can spend money.
The president of the United States looked at the town of New Haverford. It was mostly vacant save a small city center that housed a research lab, train station, mall, and mom and pop stores. New Haverford would make a great weapons testing site location, she thought. Of course, we’d have to displace most of those businesses.
A Russian astronaut looked at Earth from the ISS. Damn, our planet is pretty, he thought. Space is dark.
Invisible beings from Mars looked at Earth. I can’t believe they haven’t made it here yet, they thought.
Wiggly lines from the 5th dimension passed easily between the birth, death, and the rebirth of the universe. They looked at the Milky Way Galaxy. Boring, they telepathized.
Wiggly Line A: Do you remember how to get to that other solar system? The more interesting one with that bar we dig?
Wiggly Line B: Yeah, I think we gotta go to universe #3. You know, enter and exit that massive black hole over there. Then hang a louie towards Galaxy B+. Then it’s like, on that planet with 7 rings.
Wiggly Line A: Ohhh, right. Gorgamon, no? Joe’s Place?
Wiggly Line B: Right. Gorgamon! Joe’s Place! Such a good spot.
Wiggly Line A: Wanna go play some pool over there?
Wiggly Line B: Yeah bro, let’s do it.
- Even wiggly lines like playing pool at Joe’s Place