In the town of New Haverford, a scientist examined a cell via microscope. What a tiny world all its own, she thought. And yet, these cells can amount to so much. Without them, I wouldn’t be here. The rest of the scientists looked at her looking at the cell through the microscope. It was 6PM on a Friday. Damn, that lady really loves her work, they thought. They left to get drinks while she continued to work.
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In the town of New Haverford, a scientist examined a cell via microscope. What a tiny world all its own, she thought. And yet, these cells can amount to so much. Without them, I wouldn’t be here. The rest of the scientists looked at her looking at the cell through the microscope. It was 6PM on a Friday. Damn, that lady really loves her work, they thought. They left to get drinks while she continued to work.